3 Basics

This is not really an R tutorial. If you’re looking for a full-fledged R tutorial, we recommend (Arnold and Tilton 2015), because it is very practical, and also deals with text analysis. However, this chapter introduces some concepts related to R.

3.1 R Basics

3.1.1 Variable assignment

Assigning variables is one of the things you do most frequently in most programming languages. In R, this is done with the arrow operator: a <- 5. This creates a new variable a that has the value 5. Conceptually, variables are aliases for values. The same value can be assigned to multiple names, but one variable only can point to one value.

3.1.2 Function calls

The R package for drama analysis defines a number of functions. Functions are mini programs that can be executed anytime by a user. Function calls (i.e., the execution of a function) can be recognized by round parentheses: sessionInfo() is a function call. If you enter this in the R console and press enter, the function gets executed and its return value is printed on the console. The function sessionInfo() can be used to get information about your R session and installation. The function does not take any arguments, which is why the round parentheses are empty. The function sum, on the other hand, takes arguments: The values it should add. Thus, calling sum(1,1) prints 2 on the console.

3.2 magrittr Pipes / %>%

In the tutorial, we make heavy use of magrittr-pipes. These are provided by the R package magrittr. The core idea behind pipes is to use the output of one function directly as input for the next function – to create a pipeline of functions (if you’re familiar with the unix command line you probably have used this before).

The pipeline is represented by %>%. The semantics of %>% is to use the output of whatever comes before as first argument for whatever comes after. Thus, if we write runif(5) %>% barplot, the result of runif(5) (which is a vector with five random numbers) is used as the first argument for the function barplot(). This is eqivalent to:

r <- runif(5)

The nice thing about magrittr is that you can create pipes that are much longer:

d <- loadDrama("test:rksp.0")

d %>%
  dictionaryStatistics() %>%
  filterCharacters(d) %>%
  characterNames(d) %>%

Again, this is equivalent to a version with variables:

d <- loadDrama("test:rksp.0")

ds <- dictionaryStatistics(d)
dsf <- filterCharacters(ds, d)
dsff <- characterNames(dsf, d)

Pipes are much faster to write and more transparent, that’s why they are used in this tutorial. In order to re-create the steps in the tutorial, you will need to load the library like this:

# download/update the library from CRAN

# load it into the active environment