13 Resterampe
13.0.1 Character meta data
We will now combine this information with additional meta data about characters, i.e., gender.
# Proportion of male / female characters
13.0.2 Character groups
Next, we want to make the same analysis not for individual characters, but for character groups, based on categories such as gender.
<- utteranceStatistics(rjmw.0,
ustat normalizeByDramaLength = FALSE # use absolute values
<- rjmw.0$characters
<- merge(ustat, characterdata,
ustat by.x = c("corpus","drama", "character"),
by.y = c("corpus","drama", "figure_id"))
boxplot(utteranceLength ~ Gender, # what do we want to correlate
las = 1 # rotate axis labels
According to this picture, female characters speak slightly longer utterances in this play.