Benjamin Krautter
QuaDramA at DH 2018

QuaDramA will be part of the international Digital Humanities conference which takes place in Mexico-City from June 25 to June 29. Benjamin Krautter’s submission got accepted and will be presented as a talk in session LP-12: Quantitative Approaches to Literature on Thursday, June 28, 14:00-15:30 p.m. See below for a short summary.
Quantitative microanalysis? Different methods of digital drama analysis in comparison.
Quantitative methods of text analysis can be applied not only to large corpora but also to individual literary texts in order to sharpen their understanding. Due to its comprehensive function, the figure speech in drama seems particularly suitable for contextualizing different methods of digital analysis and thus opening up the results to broader questions. In the course of a drama, it seems to be crucial to critically compare insights from structural as well as semantic and stylistic data. The results established for Lessing’s Minna von Barnhelm suggest that the co-presence of characters is crucial for the analysis of character speech.