5th December 2018
Nils Reiter • Janis Pagel
QuaDramA at EADH 2018

QuaDramA will be present at the first conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH). The conference takes place December 7-9, in Galway, Ireland. In total, three presentations by persons involved in QuaDramA are planned.
- On Saturday, December 8, 9am, Janis Pagel will present our paper titled Detecting Protagonists in German Plays around 1800 as a Classification Task (co-authored with Nils Reiter, Benjamin Krautter, and Marcus Willand)
- On Saturday, December 8, 11:25am, Nils Reiter presents a joint paper with Jens Beck and Marcus Willand on a literature reception study using social media (the paper is titled Reading Data: On Digital Reception Studies)
- During the poster session (which takes place in every coffee break), Nils Reiter will present the tool we are using in QuaDramA to annotate coreference chains in dramatic texts (poster title: CorefAnnotator – A New Annotation Tool for Entity References)