12th December 2018
Detecting Protagonists and Title Figures in Plays
In a recent paper1, we investigated how protagonists and title figures can be detected in German plays and which features are important for a machine learning model in order to conduct the classification. This post can be seen as a supplement to this paper.
The paper is orginally written in German and got translated into English by the publisher. ↩
12. Dezember 2018
Erkennung von Protagonisten und Titelfiguren in Dramen
In einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel haben wir untersucht, inwieweit Protagonisten und Titelfiguren in deutschsprachigen Dramen automatisch erkannt werden können und welche Features einem Machine-Learning-Modell helfen, diese Klassifikation vorzunehmen. Dieser Post kann als Ergänzung zum Artikel gesehen werden.
19th April 2018
Annotating Coreference Chains (Part 3)
We have recently started to annotate coreference chains in dramatic texts. In this loose series of blog posts, we will discuss interesting findings and examples. This post revisits the annotation tool question – again.
20th December 2017
Annotating Coreference Chains (Part 2)
We have recently started to annotate coreference chains in dramatic texts. In this loose series of blog posts, we will discuss interesting findings and examples. This post revisits the annotation tool question.
Annotating Coreference Chains (Part 1)
We have recently started to annotate coreference chains in dramatic texts. In this loose series of blog posts, we will discuss interesting findings and examples. The first post covers some background and technical setup.
Eingeladener Vortrag am 07.10.2016 im Kleist-Museum, Frankfurt (Oder), im Rahmen des wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums während der Kleist-Festtage 2016. Wir untersuchen dramatische Figuren auf der Mikroebene und Gattungszuschreibungen auf der Makroebene.